Social Justice Action Committee Film Screening

Please join us on November 17, 7 PM, at First Church in Jamaica Plain as we screen The Janes documentary, directed by Tia Lessin and Emma Pildes.  This film reveals the stories of a group of women activists in Chicago who provided safe but illegal abortions until the passing of 1973’s Roe v. Wade.  Amid a pandemicschool shootings, a possible recession, and civil unrestThe Janes reminds us of another issue our nation cannot forget—a quiet but vital battle against the return to a society where women’s reproductive rights are invalidated and criminalized. Whether one considers themselves pro-choice or pro-life, this documentary aims to highlight one unavoidable reality: legal or not, abortion has always happened and always will.
We will be joined by the Bad Old Days Posse—a group of women who tell their personal stories about life before Roe v. Wade and communicate fears about what will happen now that it’s been overturned.
This program is sponsored by the Social Justice Action Committee at First Church of Jamaica Plain.

Tickets can be purchased here.