Worship is the shared spiritual practice of our faith community.

We gather in worship to center in the Love that holds us all, just as we are, and which calls us forward to greater wholeness, compassion, and integrity.

As Unitarian Universalists are fond of pointing out, the word “worship” comes from an old English word meaning “worthiness.” We gather in “worthship” to honor what is most important in our lives together: the care of our community, the growth of our compassion, the love that connects all of existence in an interdependent web. In a world of heartbreak and dehumanization, our congregations and communities call us to our better selves.

Our minister, Rev. Elizabeth Bukey Saunter, leads worship most Sundays. She writes:

“I deeply love crafting and leading worship that is unashamedly spiritual, while also integrating the best of ‘secular’ wisdom on leading lives of joy, health, and integrity. I value creativity, informality, and participation in worship, incorporating ritual, reimagining old traditions, and retelling religious stories.”

Our weekly worship service is a time for reflection, weaving together our thoughts and experiences with music, beauty, poetry, and words of comfort and challenge.

We are inspired by many and varied religious sources from which we draw individually and collectively.  And, as importantly, we are inspired by the people with whom we journey.