Speaker: Rev. Elizabeth Bukey

Rev. Elizabeth Bukey is the minister of First Church in Jamaica Plain.

Christmas Pageant: Online Only

The tradition of Christmas/Nativity pageants meets 2021. In this virtual pageant, our church families tell the story of Jesus’ birth once again. This service is on ZOOM ONLY.

We Are Here

We take stock of where we are as a community in this season. What spiritual questions grow in our hearts? How will our pandemic experiences shape us?

A Good Burial

What happens to our bodies when we die? What should, and what, if anything? is sacred about a place of burial? Rev. EB preaches on burial and de-mystifying the corpse.

We Call Our Beloved Ancestors (Outside)

This is a time of year when many wisdom traditions and cultures honor and remember those who have died. At this service we will remember those in our community who have died in the last year, as well as ritually honor our other beloved dead. 

The 8th Principle (Zoom)

We “covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” This is the proposed 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism. What does this project have to teach us?

Cultivating Relationship (Outside)

It’s a season of coming back together and of staying apart. In this time, how do we cultivate relationship with ourselves, our neighbors, and the Holy? Worship is outside in on the Hollbrook side of the church building, near the tent. We will also attempt to Zoom from outside.

Embracing Possibility

The future is uncertain; this can be scary and frustrating; it also holds so much space for possibilities. What possibilities can we see ahead? How do we move from anxiety into wonder? Join us after remote worship for an outdoor a capella hymn-sing from 12:30-1 in the Hollbrook-side yard, near but not under the tent!