Archives: Services

Spark of the Divine

In our child dedication, we say “may you come to know the spark of the divine that dwells within.” What is that spark? How do we share our lights with the world?

Homemade by the River

What architects, masons, and the sound of water can teach us about crafting a home by hand.And what rivers remind us about living a life in motion and a community in movement.

Easter Sunday

Easter Services at 7AM (in-person only) and 11 AM (In-person/Zoom)Bust out your florals and Easter bonnets or come as you are to celebrate on Easter morning. All are invited to a contemplative early morning service at 7 AM in the church graveyard, led by Rev. Marshall. The whole community gathers together at 11 AM for … Continue reading Easter Sunday

Good Friday

Good Friday gives us a traditional day to seriously consider suffering and how humans cause it. In our service, six readers each share a “modern day crucifixion” story: examples include firsthand stories of domestic violence, hate crimes, or war. We end the service in darkness with the story of Jesus’ crucifixion

Listening and Dreaming Together

How can we deepen our skills of listening and dreaming together? Lyra and Dennis O’Brien will share reflections based upon “You’re Not Listening” by Kate Murphy and ,”Rest is Resistance” by Tricia Hersey.

Love and Solidarity

Trans / non-binary people face rising hate and discrimination. This Sunday we celebrate and affirm our faith’s love and support for trans/non-binary folks and equip ourselves better for solidarity and justice.

What We Share

If the walls of this church could speak, what would they share? This Sunday, we reflect on how this congregation has made a difference, and kick off our annual stewardship campaign.