Archives: Services


We often say we care about deeds, not words, but we must care about words. Words are actions, and words cause actions. Abby will reflect on how our ability to use language as a gift is endangered, why this matters, and what we can do about it. For a children’s story, we will read from … Continue reading Words

Rest, Share, Partner

At GA this year, our new UUA President advised congregations to slow down, lean into our gifts, and collaborate with other congregations. This Sunday, we will explore what our congregation does well.

Love at the Center

Our new UU values put love at the center: “Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center of our shared values. We are accountable to one another for doing the work of living our shared values through the spiritual discipline of Love.” An open-table Christian Communion follows the service. All … Continue reading Love at the Center

Gratitude and Goats

Can we practice gratitude for all that we have without reminders from misfortune, hardships or bad advice…like bringing a goat to live inside your house? I often remind myself of The parable of the Rabbi and the goat when things seem miserable and I need to remind myself to stay grateful for what I have.

Remembering Well

One of the key tasks of religious community is to accompany people through death and bereavement. On this Sunday, we explore practices to remember those who have died. (A workshop on memorial service planning will follow in the Parish Hall and on Zoom from 2-4:30.)

We have Freedom of Religion, BUT we may need “Freedom from Religion” in the Future

Our Church dates back to the time when Massachusetts had a state religion and Third Parish in Roxbury (us!) was part of it. But the First Amendment of the US Constitution made freedom of religion the law of the country, didn’t it? We will answer that questions, specifically as it pertains to Massachusetts. With this … Continue reading We have Freedom of Religion, BUT we may need “Freedom from Religion” in the Future

A Big Fish

The story of Jonah is one of the more well-known Bible stories. On this Sunday, we look at Jonah’s journey, including his time inside a “big fish,” in search of wisdom. Note: This week we will start our summer worship schedule and services will begin at 10am

Livestream Watch Party: Worship from General Assembly

“Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs,” Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti The pandemic has wrought change and created uncertainty for institutions, like our Unitarian Universalist congregations, and our wider world. Who and what are we becoming, individually and collectively? Our GA Sunday service explores these themes as we gather in community to celebrate the best … Continue reading Livestream Watch Party: Worship from General Assembly