Archives: Services

Don’t Fall For It

In times of crisis and anxiety, it can be appealing to seek “order” or a return to a time when things didn’t feel so disrupted. On this Sunday we look out for anti-democratic traps in seemingly centrist rhetoric.

Circle ‘Round for Freedom

On this Sunday, we center in the inherent worthiness of every person and our witness against mass incarceration. We hear from congregants and community members participating in Partakers’ “College Behind Bars” program providing community mentoring for incarcerated women and men pursuing their degrees and educational opportunities. We will also take a special collection for Partakers.

Living Tradition

Our UU Principles are getting a renewal! For almost four years, a special taskforce of our UUA has been deeply examining the UUA’s Principles and Purposes. On this Sunday, we return to the proposed revision, and its core values: love, justice, generosity, evolution, pluralism, equity, and interdependence.

Peace Be With You

Unitarian Universalists seek peace, liberty, and justice for all; on this day we explore what peace means to us. We will take a special collection for the Louis D Brown Peace Institute.

Easter Sunday

Easter Services at 7AM (in-person only) and 11 AM (In-person/Zoom) Bust out your florals and Easter bonnets or come as you are to celebrate on Easter morning. All are invited to a contemplative early morning service at 7 AM in the church graveyard. The whole community gathers together at 11 AM for our Sunday morning … Continue reading Easter Sunday

Good Friday

Good Friday gives us a traditional day to seriously consider suffering and how humans cause it. In our service, six readers each share a “modern day crucifixion” story: examples include firsthand stories of domestic violence, hate crimes, or war. We end the service in darkness with the story of Jesus’ crucifixion