Archives: Services

The Wisdom to Know the Difference

In today’s political climate, it can be easy to give in to anxiety, overwhelm, or resignation. On this Sunday, we seek clarity from reflecting on what we can and cannot control. An open-table Christian Communion follows the service. All are welcome.

Moral Tastebuds

All people have the same taste buds on their tongue, but people have very different likes and dislikes of food and drinks. If we could consider our tastebuds as a metaphor for our morality, how did we arrive at our likes and dislikes in our moral values?

Old Ships & New Traditions

We’ll explore the depth of tradition and the benefits of renovation through a journey at sea. Join us for a service of song and story as we reflect on what makes a ship seaworthy and a heart courageous.


This Sunday we celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride with glitter blessings and commitment to liberation. An open-table Christian Communion follows the service. All are welcome.

Flower Ceremony

Czech Unitarians created the Flower Ceremony in the 1920s. Join us this Sunday as we honor both the spring and the beauty of our diversity in this ritual. An open-table Christian Communion follows the service. All are welcome. Please bring a flower to church for this service!