Archives: Services


We begin exploring our UU shared value of generosity this Sunday. What does this value mean to us here and now? “We cultivate a spirit of gratitude and hope. We covenant to freely and compassionately share our faith, presence, and resources. Our generosity connects us to one another in relationships of interdependence and mutuality.

Democracy, Anxiety, and Keeping the Faith

Unitarian Universalists have long been defenders of the rights of democracy. Today we explore how that came to be, what it means now, and how we live our values in an ever-changing world.

Promises and Pigs

Our new statement of UU values puts love at the center and reminds us that our free faith is created through a network of promises. On this Sunday, we explore the new values in more depth (and with a silly mnemonic).

Honoring Frances Perkins

“Frances Perkins should be known as the woman who brought us Social Security, Unemployment Compensation, banned child labor, minimum wage, created a 40 hour work week, and established rules for safe workplaces. She also advocated for immigrants and refugees, helping Jewish children immigrate to the United States during the Holocaust. But most of us have … Continue reading Honoring Frances Perkins