Archives: Services

Freedom, Hope, and Tambourines

The Jewish holiday of Passover, celebrated later this month, commemorates the story of Exodus, of the Israelites’ deliverance from slavery in Egypt into freedom in the promised land. On this Sunday, we tell a part of the story and consider the tools of liberation.

Spiritual Practices

Prayer, meditation, walking, journaling, chanting, yoga…all these can be spiritual practices. On this Sunday, we explore individual spiritual practices and their role in shaping us toward the life we want to lead.


Compassion for others is a key virtue of the world’s religious traditions. But we sometimes neglect its corollary: compassion for ourselves. This Sunday, we revisit the concept of self-compassion.


We are a congregation of people who don’t believe in God, people who love God, people who find a higher power deep inside, and people who find it in the interconnectedness of all existence…and people in between and who don’t know exactly what we believe. This Sunday we explore the idea of God.

Prayers for Peace

As we witness the war and violence in our world, this Sunday we share prayer and contemplation for peace.(note: Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, so remember to set your clocks lest you be late to church!)


Even God rested, say the scriptures shared by Jewish and Christian traditions. How might we incorporate practices of rest and Sabbath in a culture that refuses to rest?

Only Human

Admitting to and sharing about our faults and weaknesses helps us to become more loveable—both to ourselves and to others. As we become more real, more relatable and more genuine, we share in our common humanity.

Putting More Pieces Together

Our experience of this pandemic time has been fragmented. Parents, elders, health care workers, food workers, workers-from-home, folks in retirement…we have had different and contradictory experiences of these last two years. This Sunday, we hear from each other about what our piece of the picture has looked like.