Archives: Services

The Pursuit of Happiness

Both modern science and ancient spiritual traditions have a lot to say about what brings us joy and fulfillment. While a relentless “pursuit of happiness” may be self-defeating, deeper engagement with life and other people may help us feel happier while we aren’t even noticing.

Our Building as a Ministry

 In the October 9 church service we will celebrate our church, its roof, and how it serves our community. As we begin our capital campaign we will focus on the importance of our church building to our own congregation and the broader Jamaica Plain community.


In addition to our other occupations and activities, we are homemakers. We tend and cultivate places where we belong, places we can return to. This week we will reflect on the idea of “home” in a broad sense, as well as our church home, as we begin our Capital Campaign to take care of our … Continue reading Home

On Friendship

There are four Greek words for love in the Bible, each a different aspect of the notion. We will reflect on philia, friendship love, this Sunday. Rather than an absorbed, face-to-face love, philia is a side-by-side love, it’s participants having common interests. In friendship love, “Do you love me?” means “Do you see the same … Continue reading On Friendship

The SIZE of Grief

These last few years have been full of struggle, sorrows and grief in ways that few of us have ever experienced before. Many of us have experienced intense, personal losses during the pandemic, but all of us have experienced communal grief. How do we make meaning of our individual and collective grief? How do we … Continue reading The SIZE of Grief


We kick off the start of the new church year by reflecting on the theme of reconnecting–with one another here at First Church, with others in our society in these times of great division, and with the spirit. As Rev. Elizabeth Bukey is in the early stages of her sabbatical, our sabbatical minister is excited … Continue reading Reconnecting