Archives: Services

Second Chances

Our lives always include some failures and disappointments. Sometimes big, sometimes smaller. The question for us is not Can we get through life without some letdowns and losses? (We can’t.) The question is, Can we remember that we still get a second chance? Even now. Not always at the same goal, but at a way … Continue reading Second Chances

Potluck Worship

On New Year’s Day, we will hold another “pot-luck” service, led by Abby Kreuger and Dennis O’Brien. The theme is “Out with the old, in with the new.” Please bring any readings or poems which speak to you of this idea, and we will share them with the congregation.

Christmas Eve

Join us for our annual Christmas Eve service, where we will sing traditional carols, hear the Gospel readings of Jesus’ birth, and reflect on the coming of new light in this darkest time of the year. We will share candlelight with one another until the sanctuary is lit with our flames and with our wishes … Continue reading Christmas Eve

Christmas Pageant!

The tradition continues! Join us for the annual First Church Christmas Pageant, when we will sing carols and act out the story of Jesus’ birth while Robert Amelio and Andrea Fleck Clardy narrate the classic tale. Both kids and adults are invited to take part, whether from the pews or up front, donning the gay … Continue reading Christmas Pageant!


As we age, we can let go of old certainties and embrace doubt. We can seek our own truths and find new ways to share them.

Prophetic Faith

What does it mean to live out our liberal faith in these days of rising white nationalism and democracy under threat? Some religious figures from history provide us with inspiration and guidance in these dangerous times.

Come and See

To truly understand our own experiences and the perspectives of others, we can try to “see” what we have been through and allow ourselves to enter into the experiences of others. In this way, seeing really is believing.