Health and Safety Information
As of December 15, 2024, masks are required during worship services. KN95s are provided if you need one.
We run one air purifier in the Sanctuary, near where the minister stands.
In the Parish Hall, we run three air purifiers.
Prior policy:
As we return to in-person worship, we continue to hold our common safety as a priority. These protocols are in place, approved by the Governing Board, May 18, 2023:
Masks are encouraged but no longer required during worship services. We will continue to provide masks for those who choose to wear them.
We ask people who currently have COVID and/or are sick with cold/flu symptoms to stay home.
We encourage people to be fully vaccinated/boosted.
We will continue to offer online services for those who choose not to attend in person.
A note to the congregation:
Some of you asked about ventilation/air filtration, and about masked/unmasked sections of the Sanctuary. Our building unfortunately does not have strong ventilation or air-filtration capabilities, so we do not believe separate masked and unmasked sections of the Sanctuary would meaningfully reduce risk. We will continue to have the Sanctuary door and/or Parish Hall windows open when we can.
We appreciate your thoughtful responses to our recent survey. We looked carefully at them, including your comments. We learned that among our congregants, practices and preferences vary widely, even among those in the same self-identified risk categories. We are so grateful to you for your care of one another through these pandemic years and trust that care to continue. We encourage everyone to make decisions about reducing risk that reflect their personal and family circumstances. We also expect respect for others’ decisions and around masking and other practices to reduce the risk of infection.