Speaker: Rev. Elizabeth Bukey Saunter

Abortion is a Blessing

Unitarian Universalists have long declared unequivocally that we support every person’s right to make decisions about their own bodies and reproductive health, including the choice to seek abortion care. On this Sunday, we consider abortion specifically as something that supports human thriving and freedom.

We Call Our Beloved Dead

This is a time of year when many wisdom traditions and cultures honor and remember those who have died. At this service we will remember those in our community who have died in the last year, as well as ritually honor our other beloved dead.

On Repentance and Repair

In her new book, Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg draws on the writings of Maimonides to invite all of us into deeper practices of accountability and navigating conflict. On this Sunday, we begin to explore this life-giving and difficult work.

Music Makes Community

Music is an essential part of human experience, meaning-making, and community. On this Sunday, we sing and explore how music connects us with our neighbors and with the holy. Worship Returns to 11am!

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Our theme for the year is “turn to your neighbor.” On this Sunday, we explore who our “neighbor” is, with some help from Mr. Rogers and Daniel Tiger. (Red sweaters, khakis, and tiger outfits welcome.)

Dinner Church: Deep Connections Beyond What We Can See

On this Sunday, we share a meal, reflect, pray, and sing, in “”Dinner Church,”” led by Rev. EB and her colleagues Revs. Emily Conger and Aisha Ansano. Our theme is finding deeper connections beyond the surface. Rev Conger, who has deep experience in worship with children, will lead multigenerational engagement and childcare will also be … Continue reading Dinner Church: Deep Connections Beyond What We Can See

Rest, Share, Partner

At GA this year, our new UUA President advised congregations to slow down, lean into our gifts, and collaborate with other congregations. This Sunday, we will explore what our congregation does well.

Love at the Center

Our new UU values put love at the center: “Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center of our shared values. We are accountable to one another for doing the work of living our shared values through the spiritual discipline of Love.” An open-table Christian Communion follows the service. All … Continue reading Love at the Center