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Newsletter Submission Guidelines

  • Newsletter items may run up to two times. Please include in your submission which dates you would like your announcement to run. Routine announcements that aren’t time-sensitive may run up to two times every three months.
  • Include a title and paragraph with important information, such as: contact information, the date and time of the event and a description of the event.
  • You may also run one “Save the Date” announcement one month or more in advance of your event.
  • Remember that the newsletter is specifically for events and announcements related to First Church activities. Information that may be of interest to the community at large may be posted on our “Community Outside the Church” bulletin board.

If you would like to add an item to the next newsletter, please send items to the Office & Facilities Administrator here. We request that items be sent by 7 PM on Tuesday to make it into the Wednesday newsletter.