Learning and exploring spirituality never ends; it is a lifelong process. As a way to support the growth, development, and search of our community, we offer the following adult faith development opportunities:

  • The Heart of the Chalice, a small group of First Church congregants who gather monthly to support each other’s spiritual practices and to practice spiritual rituals together, such as meditation and chalice lighting.
  • Grief and Growth Group
  • Dismantling White Supremacy Program, a film and book discussion series, offering space to deepen our understanding of the role white supremacy has played in the development of our modern day society, take some inventory, and identify opportunities for collective action. This program is co-sponsored with a number of other Boston-area justice and faith organizations.

Our adult education and faith formation programming responds to the needs of congregation and community, as well as the passion and capacity of its leaders. If you want to champion and/or lead adult and inter-generational programs such as book discussions, workshops, or classes, please contact Rev. EB.

The New England Region of the UUA also offers trainings and workshops specifically aimed for congregational learning. We encourage you to check out their offerings!