Direct Service Projects

Common Cathedral
Common Cathedral: For over four years, usually in the early summer, we prepare and serve lunch for Ecclesia Ministries‘ Common Cathedral, a worship service held every Sunday on Boston Common for a largely homeless congregation. The morning of the service, the congregation comes together to assemble sandwiches and bag fruit for 150 people, which we transport to the Commons in time to serve lunch prior to the service. In addition to food donations, we also ask for donations of supplies needed for Ecclesia Ministries’ various programs.
Food Project
The Food Project: We organize two days of service learning with the Food Project – one in the spring and one in the fall. The Food Project is an urban and suburban organic farm which provides training in urban agriculture to inner-city and suburban youth, and provides free and low-cost farm-grown food to homeless shelters and low-income buyers. The turnout of youth and adults for these trips is fantastic! In the fall, harvesting hundreds of pounds of food and in the spring, we enjoy a day of Spring planting. This is an opportunity for the entire congregation – youth and adult – to learn about and participate in the life and health of a community food project that depends on volunteer labor to survive and thrive. We’ve been doing this for several years and it’s always an enjoyable and satisfying experience.