To join this Unitarian Universalist congregation is to become part of a living community. That means getting involved in its activities, identifying with it, and volunteering time to support it.

Official membership is not required for participation in most activities, but there may come a time when you hear a voice inside saying, “This is my religious home. I want to support it.” If so, it may be time to think about making the commitment of membership.

Why become a member?

Membership is a relationship of mutual accountability between an individual and the congregation.

  • Making a commitment to the congregation deepens a sense of belonging and identity.
  • Offering one’s skills and gifts in service to the community is transformative.
  • Receiving needed care and support (and offering support to others) is healing.

Membership at First Church means making a commitment to the future of the congregation.​

  • Members vote on congregational business at First Church’s annual meeting.
  • Members are encouraged, but not required, to make an annual financial pledge to support the work of the congregation.

How do I become a member?

There are no requirements of belief for membership at First Church. Any person who is at least 15 years old and in agreement with the mission of this Church and the Principles/values of the UUA, as demonstrated by an interview with the Minister, may become a member by signing the membership book of the Church.

1. Read about membership at First Church:

2. Share contact information:

  • Fill out a directory information form
  • Talk to FCJPUU’s office administrator to request a login for the church directory (One Church) Ideally, do this in person on Sunday morning, due to scams targeting church directories.
  • You will also be subscribed to UU World Magazine, unless you specifically decline.

3. Schedule a time to meet with Rev. EB to discuss membership

This 45-minute meeting is a time for sharing about your religious identity and how you would like to be involved at FCJPUU. She will help you:

4. Sign the Membership Book during one of our New Member ceremonies each year, often the first Sunday in March and the third Sunday in November.

Membership Expectations

To join this Unitarian Universalist congregation is to become part of a living community. That means getting involved in its activities, identifying with it, and volunteering time to support it. What do we ask of our members?

  • Be in community with others: attend worship, congregational events, celebrations, and memorial services; be a part of others’ lives when opportunities arise.
  • Service to others
    • In your first year as a member, you’re encouraged to find one place to serve–as a reader, helping set up on Sunday, at a Craft Fair or cleanup day, etc.
  • Continue to seek, question, grow
  • Develop a rich and full spiritual life
    • Attend weekly worship, develop daily spiritual practice; join small group for reflection, discussion, shared practice, etc.
  • Membership does not require a pledge but it is strongly encouraged
  • Members of First Church can vote at our congregational meetings, and thus can have a direct influence on important institutional (e.g., budgetary) decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How will I know if joining First Church is right for me?

People join First Church for many reasons: They feel comfortable in our church, and want to contribute towards the life of this community. They feel a kinship with how the liberal, non-creedal tradition of Unitarian-Universalism is expressed through our liturgy, our social activism, our adult and children’s religious education, and our community life. They find that they want to pursue their spiritual path within the support that First Church provides. For these reasons and more, they have an interest in making a commitment to First Church by becoming a member. As you reflect on whether or not to become a member of First Church, The Spectrum of Connection to First Church may help you. 

What are the benefits of joining First Church?

Some of the benefits are intangible. For instance, you may experience a deeper sense of connection to others, on both spiritual and social levels, by committing to a faith community. More concretely, members of First Church can vote at our congregational meetings, and thus can have a direct influence on important institutional (e.g., budgetary) decisions. While everyone is invited to these meetings, only members have voting privileges. Members can also serve on the Governing Board.

Do I have to be a member to participate in the life of the church?

You can participate in many ways without being a member. You can attend worship services and activities. You can also, for example, volunteer at church events, give one of the readings at Sunday services, usher on Christmas Eve, or host coffee hour. You’ll find out about these opportunities on this website and through our weekly email newsletter. You may subscribe to the newsletter on this page.

Would I be expected to make a financial contribution to the church?

We have an annual budget drive in the spring, when both members and friends are asked to pledge financial support to the church for the upcoming fiscal year. You would be asked to pledge an amount that is meaningful for you. Additional information about pledging is available here.

How long should I attend First Church before becoming a member?

People vary widely in how long it takes for them to obtain a deeper sense of the fit between them and our church community. Rev. Elizabeth Saunter recommends attending at least six worship services before choosing to become a member, especially if this is your first Unitarian Universalist congregation. While Sunday morning services are often at the heart of the church experience, we encourage you to look beyond these services. Volunteer at our church fairs, come to a congregational meeting, and talk with our minister, lay leaders, and other churchgoers. You can attend our small groups, church history talks, religious education programs, our book groups, and meetings of our Social Justice Action Committee.

I’d like to join, but I may only live in this area for a limited time. If I know that I’ll be leaving in a year or two, should I become a member?

There is no minimum time requirement needed to be a member of First Church. Just let us know when you do move out of the area, so that we can keep our membership records up to date.

How to I leave membership at First Church?

We know that change is a part of life, and that sometimes your spiritual journey or your life leads you away from First Church in JP. If this is you, go with our blessing…and let us know!

  • If you are leaving, please email the Clerk, the Office Administrator (, and the Minister ( Please clarify what your status will be going forward. Your options are:
    • Leaving but remaining an active member (To remain active, you must either be actively participating in church life or contact the church at least once a year to say you wish to be considered “active.”)
    • Leaving but becoming an “inactive” member. (Inactive members may not vote in business meetings and are not participating in the life of the church.)
    • Resigning your membership
  • Please let Rev. Elizabeth know if you would like us to bless you in worship before you go.