Giving to First Church
This church is a community of ourselves.
Its energy and resources are our energy and resources.
Its wealth is what we share.
When we contribute to the life of this community,
we affirm our lives within it, and enable its participation in the larger world.
—Mary Allen Walden
Generosity is one of our values as Unitarian Universalists. As a congregation, most of our budget comes from us: from people who make and pay an annual pledge. Learn more about pledging.
The funding for our congregation comes not from our denomination or from a hierarchy but from the contributions of members and friends of this congregation, from building rentals and from the investments of previous generations.
Rev. EB likes to say that at its best, church is a radically anti-capitalist project, which is to say it is a community of love and hope. We don’t give the best seats or most care to the people who give the most money. In everything we do, we try to stay rooted in the logic of community and care, not the logic of the free market. We trust that if we each give generously out of what we can, all of us will have a church community to be there for us.
Money doesn’t make a congregation great, but it is impossible to thrive without it. First Church’s operating budget supports:
- Our full-time professional minister
- Our professional Office & Facilities Administrator, and Music Director, and paid Childcare Provider
- Cleaning services, heating oil, and other utilities
- Much-needed repairs and maintenance of our historic building
- Our annual contribution to our Unitarian Universalist Association’s Annual Program Fund
- So many other things!
Thank you for your generosity.